An Gaodhal Newspaper (1881-1898) Full-Text OCR Output Files
Machine-readable full text of the Brooklyn-based bilingual (Irish and English) monthly newspaper An Gaodhal, the first serial dedicated to providing content to an Irish-language readership. Files consist of the results of the application of optical character recognition software to the text using newly created text-recognition models trained on the Irish-only and bilingual contents of An Gaodhal. Irish-language content in the newspaper was published using cló Gaelach font (a style based on handwritten manuscripts) and pre-standardized spelling. The full-text files are derived from a digitized print collection held by the James Hardiman Library at the University of Galway. Contents of the newspaper reflect the cultural interests of Irish speakers in New York, Ireland, and the wider diaspora; Irish American life; New York history; and the development of the Irish language during the Celtic Revival period. Coverage includes the years 1881-1898 when its founder, printer, and publisher Micheál Ó Lócháin (Michael J. Logan) spearheaded its production. This project was completed with support from the Robert D. L. Gardiner Foundation, the Irish Institute of New York, Glucksman Ireland House, and the University of Galway.
Additional details
- Gardiner Foundation
- Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – University of Galway
- New York University
- Created
1881-10/1898-12Dates of publication of original newspaper.
- Collected
2023-01-03/2023-12-14Dates that the dataset was created.